Microsoft Certified Trainer
Võ Thiệu Lê Trường Ân
  • Việt Nam
  • He/Him/His
  • 03 years in the program


CEO – Pizitech Co., LTD
Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)


Mr. An is a highly experienced IT professional with over a decade of expertise, particularly in Microsoft Technology. He graduated from the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology with a degree in Computer Network and Communication and holds a master’s in Business Information Technology from the Vietnamese German University.

As the CEO and Co-founder of Pizitech Co LTD, he specializes in providing strategic IT consulting and aiding clients in digital transformation. Mr. An is also actively involved in the IT sector, participating in discussions and conferences, and is known for his contributions to expanding IT initiatives and improving the industry’s user experience and appeal.

Microsoft Dynamics 365
Microsoft Business Application
English, Vietnamese

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