Microsoft Certified Trainer
Nguyễn Khánh Duy
  • Việt Nam
  • He/Him/His
  • 09 years in the program


Vice Directory of Digital Transformation – HungHau Holdings
Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)
Master in Computer Science


Duy is a seasoned IT professional with more than eight years of experience, primarily highlighted by his role as IT Manager at Nhat Nghe Education JSC, a leading Network Training Center in Ho Chi Minh City.

He currently holds the position of Deputy Director of the Digital Transformation Board at HungHau Holdings, where he plays a pivotal role in driving technological innovation and digital initiatives.

Renowned for his profound passion for technology and its practical applications in optimizing business processes, Duy is also committed to sharing his extensive knowledge and insights with the wider community.

His active involvement in various industry seminars and events underscores his dedication to the growth and advancement of the IT sector in Vietnam, making him a respected figure in the field.

Microsoft AI
Microsoft Data Platform, AI
English, Vietnamese

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