Microsoft Certified Trainer
Lê Đức Toàn
  • Việt Nam
  • He/Him/His
  • 07 years in the program


CEO – Thái Hưng Infotech Co., LTD
Master of Science in Computer Science at HCMUS
Tech Expert – Master Learning Hub


Le Duc Toan, commonly known as Tony Toàn, is the CEO of Thái Hưng Infotech Co., LTD, and a prominent figure in the IT industry with a Master of Science in Computer Science from Ho Chi Minh City University of Science (HCMUS).

With over 12 years of experience in web design and development, 8 years in Web App/ERP development and mobile app development, and 6 years of research in AI and Computer Vision, Tony is not just a creative leader but also a fountain of knowledge and inspiration for the community.

He frequently shares his expertise and insights through seminars, articles, and online courses, helping to enhance the skills and broaden the perspectives of professionals and technology enthusiasts in Vietnam.

Tony’s combination of deep technical knowledge and his ability to communicate complex concepts in an understandable way has significantly contributed to the development of the IT community, particularly in the fields of AI and software development in Vietnam.

Azure Development
Microsoft Developer
English, Vietnamese

Technology Articles